Submit Your Practice Information

If you use ketogenic dietary therapies to treat psychiatric conditions in your psychiatric, medical, nursing, nutrition, counseling, or coaching practice, we welcome you to submit your practice information for possible inclusion in this directory. This database has been created as a free public service to help connect practitioners and patients, so there is no charge to list your practice here. You are responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide. If your practice information changes, please contact us to update your listing.

( * Indicates a required field)

Your Information
Max Size: 500x500 Format: jpg, jpeg, gif, png. Image must be square.
How should clients contact you?*
Specialties (you may list up to four)
(Feel free to write in your preferred language)
Do you offer remote services?*
Do you provide medication management services?*
Do you provide services for children and adolescents?*
Have you completed Dr. Ede’s Ketogenic Diets for Mental Health clinician training program?*
To ensure that your practice is appropriate for this directory, please tell us what specific clinical services you provide to support the treatment of psychiatric conditions with ketogenic metabolic therapies?
Please add 2 and 9.

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